Kamis, 08 November 2012

Guest Room Design Ideas

  • Guest room is about the guests. It is meant to make them comfortable so maybe it is better to leave all the personal stuff except decorating style, design and décor out of the room to let guests feel like home? There are, of course, more practical approaches to designing a guest room especially if you lack spare space. Some guest rooms also serve as home offices or a dressing room because, well it is not always used to its purpose and it’s always good to have some extra space in house.  So before actually making a guest room think about how often will you, your guests will use it. If guests are a rare occasion then combining the room functions may work. You can make an office in the room but put a bed or a spacious couch for guests to sleep on. You can also place your wardrobe in a guest room and use it as a dressing room when no one is staying there.

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